Diversity Golden Ticket 2022

Program provides under-represented biotech entrepreneurs access to MBC BioLabs’ lab space, shared resources, and community to speed the creation of transformative life sciences startups

MBC BioLabs, with the support of AbbVie, announces the MBC BioLabs Diversity Golden Ticket, a program designed to support under-represented biotech entrepreneurs using innovative science to deliver solutions for human health. The award provides lab space fitted with state-of-the-art research equipment, professional support staff, conference room space for meetings with your team and potential investors, and a vibrant, collaborative community to share ideas and expertise with other exciting life science companies.

The Golden Ticket will be awarded to one early-stage company developing novel, transformational therapies.

Apply until November 18, 2022

The Under-represented Program is a new initiative of MBC BioLabs supported by AbbVie. The program seeks to enhance biotech innovation by providing fully equipped research facility access to diverse, qualified talent. Additionally, the program aims to facilitate broader access to the biotech industry for socioeconomically disadvantaged, underserved, and under-represented individuals and communities.

The ideal Diversity Golden Ticket candidate will meet the following criteria:

  • Focused on science / technology with potential to improve human health.
  • Teams and programs that would benefit from access to life science research facilities and equipment.
  • One or more founders that identify as under-represented in the biotech industry.
To apply, please upload your non-confidential company presentation by NOVEMBER 18, 2022.
In the presentation, please address:
  • What is the scientific insight and approach driving your company?
  • If successful, how would your approach provide significant benefit to human health beyond currently available options or other R&D stage programs?
  • How would winning a Golden Ticket help your company?

Selected finalist will be invited to present at MBC Biolabs at an event to be held on December 5th, 2022.  We look forward to receiving your application.

All the best of luck!

Diversity Golden Ticket Application

2022 Diversity Golden Ticket Application

Please submit required information until November 18 to be considered!

MBC BioLabs strongly encourages under-represented founders to apply. If you identify as under-represented in the biotech industry please self-identify here*:

*While we know that checking boxes can never fully capture the complexity of your identity, the above options are included because they have been identified in peer-reviewed literature and reports as identities and demographic that are measurably under-represented in the biotech industry. This list is not meant to be exhaustive. There are many other identities and demographics that are not widely discussed as under-represented, but we believe are important to support.

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Published On: September 30th, 2022Categories: 2022, Diversity Golden Ticket
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