* System is capable of 4 channel confocal imaging for 2D and 3D imaging (~250nm XY resolution / ~ 600nm Z resolution)
* System is capable of 3 channel 2D STED imaging + 1 Confocal 405 channel (40nm XY resolution possible with STED / ~600nm Z resolution), 3D Stacks XYZ can be acquired while using STED. Nanoscopy will be achieved in the XY dimension.
* Deconvolution available for both STED & Confocal 3D images to improve Z resolution by up to 2x for ~ 300nm Z resolution depending on sample.
* Tile Scan and Multi Point Imaging Possible (not appropriate for high content screening)
* Timelapse imaging possible but heat and CO2 are not supplied.
* Images can be opened and read by FIJI / Image J directly. Free STEDYON viewer software provided.
– Inverted Automated Microscope with Scanning Stage
– Universal (slide / dish) & Multiwell plate adapter
– STEDYFOCUS focus stability system to maintain focus over time
– 20x 0.5 na AIR objective with 2.1mm Free working distance
– 100x 1.45 na OIL objective with 130um Free working distance
– Lasers : 405 (cw) , 488, 561, 640 (pulsed)
– 4 APD Photon Counting High QE Detectors, Gated
– 775nm Pulsed STED laser
Training session with Abberior Staff is required to use this machine.