Towards Affordable Diagnosis Based on Human Gut Microbiome: Colorectal Cancer as A Case Study

DrManimozhiyanArumugamNovember 15, 2016

Manimozhiyan Arumugam, PhD
Group Leader and Associate Professor, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Dr. Arumugam investigates how our health and diseases are influenced by our genetics, by the environment we live in, and by our gut microbiome. His group has international collaborations studying the interaction between the gut microbiome and the host in the context of several other diseases, including cardiometabolic diseases, chronic liver diseases and cancer, and is actively investigating the role of gut microbiome in multiple sclerosis, obesity, alcoholic liver fibrosis and ageing. He also has recently started a new research direction to discover novel antibiotics from the human microbiota.

Published On: November 15th, 2016Categories: Events 2016
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