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Please join us for our MBC BioLabs Virtual Seminar with MilliporeSigma

Proximity ligation assay (PLA) is a powerful approach to probe for endogenous protein protein interactions and post-translational modifications in cell and tissue samples. The approach is methodologically similar to immuno-fluorescence, and requires two antibodies that target non-overlapping epitopes of a protein complex within ~40nm of each other. The approach is compatible with a wide array of formats including high content screening and flow cytometry but requires no specialized imaging platform. To date PLA has been published in over 1000 peer-reviewed papers. MilliporeSigma has developed a wide array of versatile reagents to aid researchers in developing a PLA experimental workflow and has a team of dedicated scientists that can perform validation services for new users and projects.

Speakers Info:

CARTER SWANSON, PH.D. – Life Science Research Technical Specialist, MilliporeSigma

Before joining MilliporeSigma, Carter studied Biochemistry at Seattle Pacific University, completed his PhD in biophysics at the University of Michigan, and did his postdoc at Genentech, Carter has experience in cell signaling, cell biology, and protein-protein interactions with a particular affinity towards kinases.

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