This MBC BioLabs EH&S and OSHA safety training will be instructed by Scott Rendleman from Ingenium.
Please sign up here
Once you have signed up, the webinar link and quizzes will be shared the morning of November 18th.
Attendance is recorded and training CERTIFICATES are awarded based on passing quizzes, then shared with Google drive when available.
The cost is $175 per person.
Who needs training?
All company employees working unescorted in MBC BioLabs or StartX, BSL-2 facilities, are required to have YEARLY training in:
- Injury & Illness Prevention
- Chemical hygiene/hazard communications and Hazardous waste
- Blood Borne Pathogens
- Department Of Transportation Shipping: Employees responsible for shipping hazardous materials with proper packaging and labeling are required to take this last section (from 4:15-5:00 pm)
If you are a safety officer or point person for your company or program with people operating at MBC BioLabs or StartX, please discuss this message to your company members and arrange for those who need yearly training to attend.