November 2016

Perlara announces collaboration with Novartis

Congratulations to our friends at Perlara (a.k.a. "The Public Benefit Corporation Formerly Known As Perlstein Lab") on their recent drug discovery development collaboration with, and investment from, Novartis! In their short time at QB3@953, they have built a novel model organism drug discovery platform and generated a candidate for their lead program addressing Niemann-Pick disease type C. Collaborating with Novartis, Perlara will further develop their lead and other therapeutics for lysosomal storage disorders. 

We'd like to welcome Proxeom to QB3@953! Proxeom is focused on improving cancer survival with technologies for highly-sensitive detection of mutations in circulating cell free DNA in non-invasive bodily fluid samples, enabling early detection, monitoring progression or regression of cancer, detecting metastasis, and predicting relapse. 


Tuesday, November 15, 2016
3pm - 4pm
QB3@953, 2nd floor community center

Dr. Manimozhiyan Arumugam
Group Leader and Associate Professor
Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research
University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Towards affordable diagnosis based on human gut microbiome: Colorectal cancer as a case study
Dr. Arumugam investigates how our health and diseases are influenced by our genetics, by the environment we live in, and by our gut microbiome. His group has international collaborations studying the interaction between the gut microbiome and the host in the context of several other diseases, including cardiometabolic diseases, chronic liver diseases and cancer, and is actively investigating the role of gut microbiome in multiple sclerosis, obesity, alcoholic liver fibrosis and ageing. He also has recently started a new research direction to discover novel antibiotics from the human microbiota.


Wednesday, November 16, 2016
3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
QB3@953, 2nd floor community center

UCB/LBNL Postdoc Industry Exploration Program and UCSF Bridge to Industry 
Job Fair

If your company is expanding, here is a great opportunity to meet some of the best and brightest that UCSF, UCB, and LBNL have to offer.  Networking session starts at 4:30pm. Sponsored by the UCB/LBNL Postdoc Industry Exploration Program and the UCSF Bridge to Industry (B2I) postdoc group.

Please register at

Tuesday, November 29, 2016
12 pm - 5 pm
QB3@953, 2nd floor community center

Amgen Innovation and Partnering Event

Come on by for some food, listen to a great talk by our very own John Mulcahy from SiteOne Therapeutics, hear from Janis Naeve, Martha Zambrano, and Samantha Palmer from Amgen about how to present your data package for best effect to potential biotech and pharma partners, and sign up for one-on-one meetings if you would like to learn more about partnering with Amgen.

12:00 - 1:00 pm. Lunch
  1:00 - 2:00 pm. Amgen Innovator Series: John Mulcahy, Site One Therapeutics

"Targeting Sodium Channels- From Human Genetic Disorders to New Therapeutics for Pain"
  2:00 - 3:00 pm. Janis Naeve, Martha Zambrano, and Samantha Palmer, Amgen
"Sharing Scientific Data with a Biotech/Pharma Industry Audience"
  3:00 - 5:00 pm. Amgen Open Office Hours

Please register at
To request a private meeting with Amgen, contact Terri Hawks at 

Sponsored by our partners at 


Wednesday, November 30, 2016
2 pm - 3 pm
GEHC Conference Room

Neil Lynch, BIO Business Solutions
Come by for snacks and drinks and learn more about BIO and California Life Sciences Association (CLSA) Business Solutions Program. As a member of CLSA, you have access to a full portfolio of heavy discounted products and services. This program includes lab supplies, lab waste removal services, compressed lab gases, uniforms, office supplies, shipping and more! Neil Lynch from BIO will be here to give you an overview of the business solutions and answer any questions you may have.

Register at


Our mission is to help entrepreneurs create successful life science companies, by providing high-quality space and facilities in the setting of a vibrant, self-starting community.

San Francisco's Premier Life-Science Incubator

Published On: November 1st, 2016Categories: Newsletters 2016
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