Abberior STEDYCON STED & Confocal Microscope
* System is capable of 4 channel confocal imaging for 2D and 3D imaging (~250nm XY resolution / ~ 600nm Z resolution)
* System is capable of 3 channel 2D STED imaging + 1 Confocal 405 channel (40nm XY resolution possible with STED / ~600nm Z resolution), 3D Stacks XYZ can be acquired while using STED. Nanoscopy will be achieved in the XY dimension.
* Deconvolution available for both STED & Confocal 3D images to improve Z resolution by up to 2x for ~ 300nm Z resolution depending on sample.
* Tile Scan and Multi Point Imaging Possible (not appropriate for high content screening)
* Timelapse imaging possible but heat and CO2 are not supplied.
* Images can be opened and read by FIJI / Image J directly. Free STEDYON viewer software provided.
8. Inverted Automated Microscope with Scanning Stage
Universal (slide / dish) & Multiwell plate adapter
9. STEDYFOCUS focus stability system to maintain focus over time
10. 20x 0.5 na AIR objective with 2.1mm Free working distance
11. 100x 1.45 na OIL objective with 130um Free working distance
12. Lasers : 405 (cw) , 488, 561, 640 (pulsed)
13. 4 APD Photon Counting High QE Detectors, Gated
14. 775nm Pulsed STED laser
Training session with Abberior Staff is required to use this machine.
Please contact MBC Staff for up-to-date office hours by Abberior personnel or for the location of complimentary dyes
Abberior Contact :
Kristofer Fertig
Abberior Senior Account Manger West Coast