July 2018

July 2018 Newsletter
AMGEN and MBC BioLabs announce winners of the 2018 AMGEN Golden Tickets
We are pleased to announce that Delve Therapeutics and Mitokinin have won the Amgen Golden Ticket at MBC BioLabs. Each company receives one year of lab bench space and access to core facilities at the MBC BioLabs life sciences incubator, as well as connections to Amgen's scientific and business leaders to help advance its scientific programs. Amgen first sponsored MBC BioLabs in 2015 to assist high-potential and innovative early-stage life science and biotech companies in their efforts to accelerate the development of new therapies to improve human health. "Given Amgen's commitment to bringing first-in-class therapies for cancer and neuroscience-related conditions to patients, we are pleased to support Delve Therapeutics and Mitokinin in further advancing their novel science," said Flavius Martin, Ph.D., vice president of Research at Amgen. "Funding such early-stage innovation is critical to the future of healthcare, and both companies are well on their way to tackling complex research problems. Congratulations to both companies and to the promising scientific entrepreneurs that represent them."  Full Press Release
Techcrunch Shout-out to Prellis Biologics: "Implantable 3D-printed organs could be coming sooner than you think"
"At MBC BioLabs, a team of scientists and interns working for the small startup Prellis Biologics have just taken a big step on the path toward developing viable 3D-printed organs for humans. "The company, which was founded in 2016 by research scientists Melanie Matheu and Noelle Mullin, staked its future (and a small $3 million investment) on a new technology to manufacture capillaries, the one-cell-thick blood vessels that are the pathways which oxygen and nutrients move through to nourish tissues in the body."  Read article at Techcrunch
Female Founders in Science
On June 26 Reshma Khilnani (Co-CEO, Droplet Health) hosted a standing-room-only panel discussion with female founders of biotechnology startups emerging from MBC BioLabs. The august panel included Ashley Tehranchi (Co-Founder and CTO, Mammoth), Leah Makley (President and CEO, ViewPoint) and Nikole Kimes (Co-Founder and CSO of Siolta). The founders shared experiences from their remarkable careers in science, challenges they faced and overcame, and advice and inspiration for others striving to create their own companies!
LI-COR places flagship infrared imaging system in San Francisco and San Carlos
Expanding the capabilities of our FastTrack Core, LI-COR has placed their Odyssey CLx infrared imaging system at both MBC BioLabs Bay Area locations. The instrument's broad, linear dynamic range accurately detects both strong and weak bands on a single Western Blot. This flexible device is also capable of quantitative imagining of In-Cell Western assays, On-Cell Western assays, coomassie-stained gels, DNA gels, protein arrays, EMSAs, ELISAs, tissue sections, whole organs, small animals and more! LI-COR provides full support for the Odyssey CLx. If you would like instrument training or assistance with application development, please contact Sabrina Zimmerman.
MBC BioLabs' new San Carlos site has now welcomed fourteen companies
We launched the first phase of our new campus in San Carlos on May 1, and we have now on-boarded fourteen companies into our community.  This site will grow over the coming months to roughly 30,000 sf, which will allow us to double the number of companies that we serve. 
July 12, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM Office Hours with Pfizer To apply for Office Hours contact Flavia Nachbar Sponsored by Pfizer
FELICE SHIEH, PhD Pfizer Senior Director, External Science and Innovation
Dr. Felice Shieh is a Senior Director with Pfizer's External Science and Innovation (ESI) department. The remit of ESI is to identify new target and relationship opportunities for both Pfizer's CTI network of Academic Medical Centers and Pfizer's External Science and Innovation department. 
Published On: July 1st, 2018Categories: Newsletters 2018
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